
Thank you for your interest in the Town of Silver Cliff Community! We are very proud of our inspirational Newsletter that is published quarterly. Our Newsletters highlight the most current events that have taken place in the Silver Cliff area in addition to announcing upcoming events. Showcasing local businesses and services that call Silver Cliff home. 

We supply our newsletter free of charge and mail them to full time residents, we supply a limited number of copies to Firelane, Jungle Jim's Pub and Grub, Rustic, Red Pine BP and Rapids or anyone else upon request.

Unfortunately as costs have increased we too have not been spared and would be happy to accept donations either monitary to help with postage and printing or if you have some quality copier paper you would like to donate we would greatly appreciate it! 

If you have articles or community based information that you would like to submit to the newsletter editors, or if you would like to receive a copy of the newsletter please email Barb and/or Ann., these ladies would love to hear from you! 

Barb VanBoxtel: 
Ann Wender: annhummingbird@gmailcom 

  • April 2025 Candidate Write Up


  • February 2025 - Issue 123


    Please read the "Letters of Itroduction" by our Silver Cliff Town Board Candidates in addition to all the Town of Silver Cliff activities, businesses, and volunteer opportunities we have to offer in the Silver Cliff Community! April 1st is Spring General Election Day so Please come out and choose the candidate of your choice for the Town Board!
  • November 2024 - Issue 122


    Read more about all the activities, businesses, and volunteer opportunities we have to offer in the Silver Cliff Community!
  • Issue 102, November 2019

